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Amitai Etzioni

Amitai Etzioni is University Professor and a professor of international relations and The George Washington University and the author of Security First (Yale 2007). For more discussion on nuclear nonproliferation, see “Zero is the Wrong Number” (World Policy Journal 2009). He can be contacted at ιχπσ≅γωυ.εδυ and followed on Twitter: @amitaietzioni.

Fall Back in Afghanistan

The Obama Administration should put Vice President Biden in charge of changing its strategy in Afghanistan. Biden has shown a much better understanding than the generals of the facts on the ground and what might be done. Biden predicted that the combination of the military...

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Exiting Afghanistan: the wrong pre-conditions

There is no moral, no legal, no political justification for the Obama Administration to insist that the Taliban must commit themselves to respecting human rights before the United States will agree to stop the fighting. Negotiations are now underway between Taliban leaders and the Karzai...

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